Duel Spells List

Under Department of Magical Law Enforcement and Drevo Zhizni supervision

Common Spells

Level 1

1.⠀⠀Waddiwasi [-3E caster, -7P opponent] CD: 2 turns
2.⠀⠀Rictusempra [-5E caster, -10P opponent] CD: 3 turns

Elemental [-10E caster, -5P opponent with element’s status effect] CD: 4 turns
1.⠀⠀Air - Aeris Impingo [Revitalize, +5P for 2 turns]
2.⠀⠀Earth - Solum Impingo [Resistance, add +5 defense for 2 turns]
3.⠀⠀Water - Agua Reperio [Drown, opponent take -5P damage for 3 turns]
4.⠀⠀Fire - Lumen Impingo [Burn, opponent take -5P damage for 3 turns]
5.⠀⠀Lightning - Zibens Fulmen [Rage, add +25% damage and -20% defense in the next turn]
6.⠀⠀Plant - Cytisus Node [Poison, opponent take -5P damage for 3 turns]
7.⠀⠀Metal - Ferrum Tutelo [Resistance, add +5 defense for 2 turns]
8.⠀⠀Ice - Glacius Flatus [Freeze, gives Stun status effect on opponent for 1 turn and adds +10% damage to attack spell in the next turn]

1.⠀⠀Episkey (Restore power) [-4E caster, +10P user] CD: 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Colloshoo (Stun) [-10E caster, opponent unable to attack in the next turn] CD: 3 turns

Level 5

1.⠀⠀Verdimillious [-4E caster, -10P opponent] CD: 3 turns
2.⠀⠀Aguamenti [-7E caster, -13P opponent] CD: 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Aberto [-2E caster, Open doors] CD: 2 turns

Level 10

1.⠀⠀Melofors (Weak) [-10E caster, opponent’s attack -5P in the next turn] CD: 3 turns
2.⠀⠀Fumos (Confuse) [-10E caster, opponent’s must heal caster with their lowest healing spell in the next turn] CD: 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Anapneo (Restore energy) [-5P caster, +14E caster] CD: 4 turns

1.⠀⠀Aberto [-2E caster, Open doors] CD: 2 turns

Level 16

1.⠀⠀Incendio [-12E caster, -21P opponent] CD: 3 turns
2.⠀⠀Verdimillious Duo [-10E caster, -20P opponent] CD: 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Geminio (Damage booster) [-15E caster, add +25% damage to attack or elemental spell casted in the next turn] CD: 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Cave Inimicum [-10E caster, +5 defense for 2 turn] CD: 3 turns

Magic Spells

Level 21

1.⠀⠀Vermillious [-9E caster, -20P opponent] CD: 3 turns
2.⠀⠀Tarantallegra [-15E caster, -22P opponent] CD: 3 turns

Elemental [-20E caster, -15P opponent with element’s status effect] CD: 4 turns
1.⠀⠀Air - Caelum Fulmen [Revitalize, +10P for 3 turns]
2.⠀⠀Earth - Erdherrik [Resistance, add +10 defense for 2 turns]
3.⠀⠀Water - Lacrimi Resperga [Drown, opponent take -7P damage for 3 turns]
4.⠀⠀Fire - Fulmen Ignum [Burn, opponent take -7P damage for 3 turns]
5.⠀⠀Lightning - Tonitrum Adcudus [Rage, add +30% damage and -20% defense in the next turn]
6.⠀⠀Plant - Caput Frutex [Poison, opponent take -7P damage for 3 turns]
7.⠀⠀Metal - Tondeous Ferro [Resistance, add +10 defense for 2 turns]
8.⠀⠀Ice - Galum, Congela! [Freeze, gives Stun status effect on opponent for 1 turn and adds +15% damage to attack spell in the next turn]

1.⠀⠀Reparifors (Cure debuff) [-10E caster, cancels Stun and Rage status effect] CD: 3 turn

1.⠀⠀Immobulus (Stun) [-8E caster, opponent unable to attack for 2 turn] CD: 3 turn

1.⠀⠀Cistem Aperio [-5E caster, Open boxes and chests]
2.⠀⠀Dissendium [-5E caster, Open passages]

Level 25

1.⠀⠀Galcius [-15E caster, -24P opponent] CD: 3 turns
2.⠀⠀Flipendo [-13E caster, 22P opponent] CD: 3 turns
3.⠀⠀Alarte Ascendare [-20E caster, -27P opponent] CD: 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Decontusus (Restore Power) [-15E caster, +20P caster] CD: 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Erecto [-10E, Used to erect tents or other upright structure]

Level 28

1.⠀⠀Verdillious [-19E caster, -25P opponent] CD: 3 turns
2.⠀⠀Furnunculus [-22E caster, -30P opponent] CD: 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Diminuendo (Weak) [-10E caster, opponent’s attack -10P in the next turn] CD: 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Fianto Duri [-15E caster, +10 defense for 2 turn] CD: 3 turns

Rare Spells

Level 31

1.⠀⠀Glisseo [-20E caster, -27P opponent] CD: 3 turns
2.⠀⠀Levicorpus [-22E caster, -32P opponent] CD: 3 turns

Elemental [-30E caster, -25P opponent with element’s status effect] CD: 4 turns
1.⠀⠀Air - Aether Flatus [Revitalize, +10P for 3 turns]
2.⠀⠀Earth - Erdherrik Duo [Resistance,add +15 defense for 2 turns]
3.⠀⠀Water - Lacus Diluvia [Drown, opponent take -15P damage for 3 turns]
4.⠀⠀Fire - Aetus Ignis [Burn, opponent take -15P damage for 3 turns]
5.⠀⠀Lightning - Bronto Perflucta [Rage, add +35% damage and -25% defense in the next turn]
6.⠀⠀Plant - Silva Ambago [Poison, opponent take -15P damage for 3 turns]
7.⠀⠀Metal - Spiculous [Resistance, add +15 defense for 2 turns]
8.⠀⠀Ice - Glaci Signatus [Freeze, gives Stun status effect on opponent for 2 turn and adds +15% damage to attack spell in the next turn]

1.⠀⠀Prior Incantato (Reflect) [-27E caster, reflect spell cast by opponent, only works for attack spell] CD: 4 turns

1.⠀⠀Calvorio (Weak) [-15E caster, opponent’s attack -20P in the next turn] CD: 4 turns

1.⠀⠀Impervius [-15E caster, Make objects repel water and mist]

Level 35

1.⠀⠀Oppugno [-25E caster, -37P opponent] CD: 3 turns
2.⠀⠀Finestra [-22E caster, -35 opponent] CD: 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Fumos Duo (Confuse) [-20E caster, opponent’s must cast caster with a damage booster spell in the next turn] CD: 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Molliare (Restore Energy) [-5P caster, +20E caster] CD: 4 turns

Level 38

1.⠀⠀Depulso [-27E caster, -40P opponent] CD: 3 turns
2.⠀⠀Aqua Eructo [-22E caster. -37P opponent] CD: 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Magicus Extremos (Damage booster) [-25E caster, add +50% damage to attack or elemental spell casted in the next turn] CD: 4 turns

1.⠀⠀Mobiliarbus [-15E caster, Levitates wooden objects several inches from the ground and moves them in any given direction]
2.⠀⠀Illegibilus [-7E caster, Makes writing impossible to read]


Epic Spells

Level 41

1.⠀⠀Ebublio [-30E caster, -42P opponent] CD: 3 turns
2.⠀⠀Bombarda [-25E caster, -40P opponent] CD: 3 turns
3.⠀⠀Herbifors [-32E caster, -45P opponent] CD: 3 turns

Elemental [-40E caster, -35P opponent with element’s status effect] CD: 5 turn
1.⠀⠀Air - Fluctus Aeris [Revitalize, +15P for 3 turns]
2.⠀⠀Earth - Terraemotus [Resistance, add +20 defense for 2 turns]
3.⠀⠀Water - Agua Fluctus [Drown, opponent take -20P damage for 3 turns]
4.⠀⠀Fire - Ignis, Ardeo! [Burn, opponent take -20P damage for 3 turns]
5.⠀⠀Lightning - Fulgo il tuono [Rage, add +40% damage and -30% defense in the next turn]
6.⠀⠀Plant - Fluctus Cerinthe [Poison, opponent take -20P damage for 3 turns]
7.⠀⠀Metal - Spiculous Duo [Resistance, add +20 defense for 2 turns]
8.⠀⠀Ice - Obex Crustallum [Freeze, gives Stun status effect on opponent for 2 turn and adds +20% damage to attack spell in the next turn]

1.⠀⠀Impedimenta (Stun) [-20E caster, opponent unable to attack for 3 turn] CD: 4 turn
2.⠀⠀Nebulus (Confuse) [-20E caster, opponent’s must cast oneself with a debuff spell in the next turn] CD: 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Oculus Reparo [-15E, Repair eyeglasses]

Level 45

1.⠀⠀Everte Statum [-30E caster, -45P opponent] CD: 4 turns
2.⠀⠀Expelliarmus [-33E caster, -50P opponent] CD: 4 turns

1.⠀⠀Secare Amendo (Restore Power) [-20E caster, +25P caster] CD: 3 turns
2.⠀⠀Surgito (Cure debuff) [-25E caster, cancels confuse and weak status effect] CD: 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Salvio Hexia [-20E caster, +17 defense for 2 turn] CD: 4 turns


Level 48

1.⠀⠀Serpensortia [-30E caster, -47P opponent] CD: 4 turns
2.⠀⠀Confringo [-34E caster, -55P opponent] CD: 4 turns
3.⠀⠀Deletrius [-40E, -57P opponent] CD: 4 turns

1.⠀⠀Protego (Reflect) [-27E caster, reflect spell cast by opponent, only works for attack and elemental spell] CD: 4 turns

1.⠀⠀Tergeo [-15E, Siphons liquid and cleans objects]
2.⠀⠀Scourgify [-20E, Cleans objects]

Unique Spells

Level 51

1.⠀⠀Densaugeo [-35E caster, -57P opponent] CD: 4 turns
2.⠀⠀Avis [-40E caster, -60P opponent] CD: 4 turns

Elemental[-50E caster, -45P opponent with element’s status effect] CD: 5 turn
1.⠀⠀Air - Aer Fumum [Revitalize, +30P for 3 turns]
2.⠀⠀Earth - Grandi Terremoti [Resistance, add +25 defense for 2 turns]
3.⠀⠀Water - Lietusgaze [Drown, opponent take -30P damage for 3 turns]
4.⠀⠀Fire - Fumus Praefoco [Burn, opponent take -30P damage for 3 turns]
5.⠀⠀Lightning - Fulgo der Tonitra [Rage, add +45% damage and -30% defense in the next turn]
6.⠀⠀Plant - Radix der Esme [Poison, opponent take -30P damage for 3 turns]
7.⠀⠀Metal - Spiculous Tria [Resistance, add +25 defense for 2 turns]
8.⠀⠀Ice - Obex, Praefuro! [Freeze, gives Stun status effect on opponent for 2 turn and adds +25% damage to attack spell in the next turn]

1.⠀⠀Protego Maxima (Absorb) [-20E caster, absorb damage cast by the opponent into Power] CD: 5 turns

1.⠀⠀Rennervate (Restore Energy) [-10P caster, +30E caster] CD: 4 turns

Level 55

1.⠀⠀Flipendo Duo [-37E caster, -60P opponent] CD: 4 turns
2.⠀⠀Ventus [-40E caster, -63P opponent] CD: 4 turns
3.⠀⠀Mucus ad Nauseam [-42E caster, -65P opponent] CD: 4 turns

1.⠀⠀Confundo (Confuse) [-25E caster, opponent’s must cast oneself with a debuff spell in the next turn] CD: 3 turns
2.⠀⠀Incarcerous (Stun) [-15E caster, opponent unable to attack for 3 turn] CD: 4 turn

1.⠀⠀Ferula (Restore Power) [-20E caster, +30P caster] CD: 4 turns

1.⠀⠀Papyrus Reparo [-10E caster, Mends torn pieces of paper]
2.⠀⠀Pack [-22E caster, Packs luggage]

Level 60

1.⠀⠀Ventus Duo [-45E caster, -65P opponent] CD: 4 turns
2.⠀⠀Aqua Eructo Duo [-47E caster, -70 opponent] CD: 4 turns

1.⠀⠀Repello Muggletum [-20E caster, +25 defense for 2 turn] CD: 5 turns

1.⠀⠀Anteoculatia (Weak) [-20E caster, opponent’s attack -25P in the next turn] CD: 4 turns

Level 66

1.⠀⠀Deprimo [-50E caster, -72P opponent] CD: 4 turns
2.⠀⠀Glacius Duo [-42E caster, -65P opponent] CD: 4 turns

1.⠀⠀Vipera Evanesca (Cure debuff) [-25E caster, cancels poison status effect] CD : 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Alohomora [-20E, Unlocks doors and other objects.]

Legend Spells

Level 71

1.⠀⠀Incendio Duo [-43E caster, -72P opponent] CD: 4 turns
2.⠀⠀Lancarnum Inflamari [-52E caster, -75P opponent] CD: 4 turns

Elemental [-60E caster, -55P opponent with element’s status effect] CD: 5 turns
1.⠀⠀Air - Caelum Fluctus [Revitalize, +40P for 3 turns]
2.⠀⠀Earth - Afa, Praefuro! [Resistance, add +30 defense for 2 turns]
3.⠀⠀Water - Lietusgaze Duo [Drown, opponent take -45P damage for 3 turns]
4.⠀⠀Fire - Crepito [Burn, opponent take -45P damage for 3 turns]
5.⠀⠀Lightning - Caerulus Tuono [Rage, add +50% damage and -40% defense in the next turn]
6.⠀⠀Plant - Surculus, Praefuro! [Poison, opponent take -45P damage for 3 turns]
7.⠀⠀Metal - Ferruginous [Resistance, add +30 defense for 2 turns]
8.⠀⠀Ice - Glacuviam [Freeze, gives Stun status effect on opponent for 2 turn and adds +30% damage to attack spell in the next turn]

1.⠀⠀Langlock (Stun) [-10E caster, opponent unable to attack for 3 turn] CD: 4 turn
2.⠀⠀Locomotor Mortis (Weak) [-20E caster, opponent’s attack -30P in the next turn] CD: 4 turns

1.⠀⠀Protego Diabolica [-25E caster, +30 defense for 2 turn] CD: 5 turns

Level 76

1.⠀⠀Flagrante [-55P caster, -80P opponent] CD: 4 turns
2.⠀⠀Flipendo Tria [-50E caster, -75P opponent] CD: 4 turns

1.⠀⠀Protego Horribilis (Reflect) [-30E caster, reflect any spell cast by opponent] CD: 5 turns

1.⠀⠀Vulnera Sanentur (Restore Power) [-30E caster, +50P caster] CD: 5 turns

Level 85

1.⠀⠀Baubillious [-45E caster, -75P opponent] CD: 4 turns
2.⠀⠀Incendio Tria [-55E caster, -85P opponent] CD: 4 turns
3.⠀⠀Glacius Tria [-60E caster, -87P opponent] CD: 5 turns

1.⠀⠀Obscuro (Confuse) [-25E caster, opponent’s must cast oneself with highest healing spell in the next turn] CD: 3 turns

1.⠀⠀Reparifarge (Restore Energy) [-15P caster, +45E caster] CD: 5 turns

Level 90

1.⠀⠀Bombarda Maxima [-55E caster, -87P opponent] CD: 5 turns
2.⠀⠀Sectumsempra [-60E caster, -90P opponent] CD: 5 turns

1.⠀⠀Repello Inimicum [-25E caster, +40 defense for 2 turn] CD: 5 turns

1.⠀⠀Steleus (Stun) [-15E caster, opponent unable to attack for 4 turn] CD: 5 turn
2.⠀⠀Redactum Skullus (Confuse) [-30E caster, opponent’s must cast oneself with their highest attack spell in the next turn] CD: 4 turns

Level 96

1.⠀⠀Fiendfyre [-55E caster, -90P opponent] CD: 5 turns
2.⠀⠀Expulso [-60E caster, -95P opponent] CD: 5 turns
3.⠀⠀Reducto [-70E caster, -99P opponent] CD: 5 turns

1.⠀⠀Meteolojinx Recanto (Cure Debuff) [-30E caster, cancels drown, burn, and freeze status effect] CD: 5 turns

1.⠀⠀Titillando (Weak) [-20E caster, opponent’s attack -35P in the next turn] CD: 5 turns
2.⠀⠀Lapifors (Stun) [-10E caster, opponent unable to attack for 4 turn] CD: 5 turn